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Check whether any given files or directories are excluded from DVC due to the patterns found in .dvcignore.


usage: dvc check-ignore [-h] [-q | -v] [-d] [-a] [-n] [--stdin]
                        targets [targets ...]

positional arguments:
  targets        File or directory paths to check


This helper command checks whether the given targets are ignored by DVC according to the .dvcignore file (if any). The ones that are ignored indeed are printed back.


  • -d, --details - show the exclude patterns along with each target path. A series of lines are printed in this format: <path/to/.dvcignore>:<line_num>:<pattern> <target_path>

  • -a, --all - list all patterns that match each target path in the --details list. Has no effect without --details.

  • -n, --non-matching - include the target paths which don’t match any pattern in the --details list. All fields in each line, except for <target_path>, will be empty. Has no effect without --details.

  • --stdin - read target paths from standard input instead of using the targets arguments. Useful for interactive debugging and POSIX pipes.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


First, let's create a .dvcignore file with some patterns in it, and some files to check against it:

$ echo "file*\n\!file2" >> .dvcignore
$ cat .dvcignore

$ touch file1 file2 other
$ ls
file1  file2 other

Then, let's use dvc check-ignore to see which of these files would be excluded given our .dvcignore file:

$ dvc check-ignore file1

$ dvc check-ignore file1 file2

$ dvc check-ignore other
  # There's no command output, meaning `other` is not excluded.

$ dvc check-ignore file*

With --details (-d), we get a detailed report of all the matches:

$ dvc check-ignore -d file1 file2
.dvcignore:1:file*	file1
.dvcignore:2:!file2	file2

$ dvc check-ignore -d file*
.dvcignore:1:file*	file1
.dvcignore:2:!file2	file2

By default, only the last pattern matched would be shown. To see all the patterns matched, use --all (-a).

$ dvc check-ignore -d -a file2
.dvcignore:1:file*	file2
.dvcignore:2:!file2	file2

With the --non-matching (-n) option, non-matching targets will also be included in the details list:

$ dvc check-ignore -d -n other
::	other

Example: Check paths interactively or programmatically

The --stdin option provides an interactive way to debug .dvcignore patterns:

$ dvc check-ignore --stdin
> file1
> other
> file2

It can also be used as part of a POSIX pipe:

cat file_list | dvc check-ignore --stdin

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