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remote add

Add a new dvc remote to the project configuration.

You may also need dvc remote modify to provide credentials and/or configure other remote parameters. See Remote storage configuration for more information.


usage: dvc remote add [-h] [--global | --system | --project | --local]
                      [-q | -v] [-d] [-f]
                      name url

positional arguments:
  name           Name of the remote.
  url            (See supported URLs in the examples below.)


Registers a remote storage location to save data files (besides the cache) and optionally sets it as the --default remote. DVC remotes can point to a cloud storage service, an SSH server, network-attached storage, or even a directory in the local file system.

A dvc remote default is expected by dvc push, dvc pull, dvc status, dvc gc, and dvc fetch unless their --remote (-r) option is used.

The remote name (required) is used to identify the remote and must be unique. DVC will determine the storage type based on the provided url (also required), a URL or path for the location.

The storage type determines which config parameters you can access via dvc remote modify. Note that the url itself can be modified.

This command creates a remote section in the project's config file (.dvc/config). The --default (-d) flag uses the core config section:

$ dvc remote add -d temp /tmp/dvcstore
# .dvc/config
['remote "temp"']
    url = /tmp/dvcstore
    remote = myremote

If you installed DVC via pip and plan to use cloud services as remote storage, you might need to install these optional dependencies: [s3], [azure], [gdrive], [gs], [oss], [ssh]. Use [all] to include them all. For example:

$ pip install "dvc[s3]"

Command options/flags

  • --system - save remote configuration to the system config file (e.g. /etc/xdg/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.

  • --global - save remote configuration to the global config file (e.g. ~/.config/dvc/config) instead of .dvc/config.

  • --project - save remote configuration to the project's config file (.dvc/config). This is the default behavior.

  • --local - save remote configuration to the Git-ignored local config file (located in .dvc/config.local) instead of .dvc/config. This is useful to save private remote config that you don't want to track and share with Git.

  • -d, --default - commands that require a remote (such as dvc pull, dvc push, dvc fetch) will be using this remote by default to upload or download data (unless their -r option is used).

    Use dvc remote default to unset/change the default remote, for example: dvc remote default --unset (equivalent to dvc config -u core.remote).

  • -f, --force - overwrite existing remote with new url value.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.

Supported storage types

The following are the supported types of storage protocols and platforms.

Cloud providers

Self-hosted / On-premises


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