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stage add

Helper command to create or update stages in dvc.yaml.



Writes stage definitions to dvc.yaml (in the current working directory). To update an existing stage, overwrite it with the -f (--force) option.

A stage name is required and can be provided using the -n (--name) option. Most of the other options help with defining different kinds of dependencies and outputs for the stage. The remaining terminal input provided to dvc stage add after any options/flags will become the required command argument.

-/-- flags sent after the command become part of the command itself and are ignored by dvc stage add.

Stages whose outputs become dependencies for other stages form pipelines. For example:

$ dvc stage add -n printer -d write.sh -o pages ./write.sh
$ dvc stage add -n scanner -d read.sh -d pages -o signed.pdf ./read.sh pages

See the guide on defining pipeline stages for more details.

dvc repro can be used to rebuild this dependency graph and run stages.

Dependencies and outputs

Stage dependencies can be any file or directory, either untracked, or more commonly tracked by DVC or Git. Outputs will be tracked and cached by DVC when the stage is run. Every output version will be cached when the stage is reproduced (see also dvc gc). Relevant notes:

  • Typically, scripts to run (or possibly a directory containing the source code) are included among the specified -d dependencies. This ensures that when the source code changes, DVC knows that the stage needs to be reproduced. (You can chose whether to do this.)

  • dvc stage add checks the dependency graph integrity before creating a new stage. For example: two stage cannot specify the same output or overlapping output paths, there should be no cycles, etc.

  • DVC does not feed dependency files to the command being run. The program will have to read the files itself.

  • Entire directories produced by the stage can be tracked as outputs by DVC, which generates a single .dir entry in the cache (refer to Structure of cache directory for more info.)

  • external dependencies and outputs (outside of the workspace) are also supported (except metrics and plots).

  • Since outputs are deleted from the workspace before executing stage commands, the underlying code should create any directory structures needed every time its executed by DVC.

  • In some situations, we have previously executed a stage, and later notice that some of the dependencies or outputs are missing from dvc.yaml. It is possible to add them to an existing stage.

  • Renaming dependencies or outputs requires a manual process to update dvc.yaml and the project's cache accordingly.

For displaying and comparing data science experiments

parameters (-p/--params option) are a special type of key/value dependencies. Multiple params can be specified from within one or more structured files (params.yaml by default). This allows tracking experimental hyperparameters easily in ML.

Special types of output files, metrics (-m and -M options) and plots (--plots and --plots-no-cache options), are also supported. Metrics and plots files have specific formats (JSON, YAML, CSV, or TSV) and allow displaying and comparing data science experiments.


  • -n <stage>, --name <stage> (required) - specify a name for the stage generated by this command (e.g. -n train). Stage names can only contain letters, numbers, dash - and underscore _.

  • -d <path>, --deps <path> - specify a file or a directory the stage depends on. Multiple dependencies can be specified like this: -d data.csv -d process.py. Usually, each dependency is a file or a directory with data, or a code file, or a configuration file. DVC also supports certain external dependencies.

    When you use dvc repro, the list of dependencies helps DVC analyze whether any dependencies have changed and thus executing stages required to regenerate their outputs.

  • -o <path>, --outs <path> - specify a file or directory that is the result of running the command. Multiple outputs can be specified: -o model.pkl -o output.log. DVC builds a dependency graph (pipeline) to connect different stages with each other based on this list of outputs and dependencies (see -d). DVC tracks all output files and directories and puts them into the cache (this is similar to what's happening when you use dvc add).

  • -O <path>, --outs-no-cache <path> - the same as -o except that outputs are not tracked by DVC. This means that they are never cached, so it's up to the user to manage them separately. This is useful if the outputs are small enough to be tracked by Git directly; or large, yet you prefer to regenerate them every time (see dvc repro); or unwanted in storage for any other reason. Using this option will deactivate the run cache for the stage.

  • --outs-persist <path> - declare output file or directory that will not be removed when dvc repro starts (but it can still be modified, overwritten, or even deleted by the stage command(s)).

  • --outs-persist-no-cache <path> - the same as -outs-persist except that outputs are not tracked by DVC (same as with -O above).

  • -p [<path>:]<params_list>, --params [<path>:]<params_list> - specify one or more parameter dependencies from a structured file path (./params.yaml by default). This is done by sending a comma separated list (params_list) as argument, e.g. -p learning_rate,epochs. A custom params file can be defined with a prefix, e.g. -p params.json:threshold. Or use the prefix alone with : to use all the parameters found in that file, e.g. -p myparams.toml:.

  • -m <path>, --metrics <path> - specify a metrics file produced by this stage. This option behaves like -o but registers the file in a metrics field inside the dvc.yaml stage. Metrics are usually small, human readable files (JSON, TOML, or YAML) with scalar numbers or other simple information that describes a model (or any other data artifact). See dvc metrics to learn more about metrics.

  • -M <path>, --metrics-no-cache <path> - the same as -m except that DVC does not track the metrics file (same as with -O above). This means that they are never cached, so it's up to the user to manage them separately. This is typically desirable with metrics because they are small enough to be tracked with Git directly.

  • --plots <path> - specify a plots file or directory produced by this stage. This option behaves like -o but registers the file or directory in a plots field inside the dvc.yaml stage. Plots outputs are either data series stored in tabular (CSV or TSV) or hierarchical (JSON or YAML) files, or image (JPEG, GIF, PNG, or SVG) files. See Visualizing Plots to learn more about plots.

  • --plots-no-cache <path> - the same as --plots except that DVC does not track the plots file (same as with -O and -M above). This may be desirable with plots, if they are small enough to be tracked with Git directly.

  • -w <path>, --wdir <path> - specifies a working directory for the command to run in (uses the wdir field in dvc.yaml). Dependency and output files (including metrics and plots) should be specified relative to this directory. It's used by dvc repro to change the working directory before executing the command.

  • -f, --force - overwrite an existing stage in dvc.yaml file without asking for confirmation.

  • --always-changed - always consider this stage as changed (sets the always_changed field in dvc.yaml). As a result DVC will always execute it when reproducing the pipeline.

  • --desc <text> - user description of the stage (optional). This doesn't
    affect any DVC operations.

  • --run - executes the stage after generating it

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


Let's create a stage (that counts the number of lines in a test.txt file):

$ dvc stage add -n count \
                -d test.txt \
                -o lines \
                "cat test.txt | wc -l > lines"
Creating 'dvc.yaml'
Adding stage 'count' in 'dvc.yaml'

To track the changes with git, run:

	git add .gitignore dvc.yaml

$ tree
├── dvc.yaml
└── test.txt

This results in the following stage entry in dvc.yaml:

    cmd: 'cat test.txt | wc -l > lines'
      - test.txt
      - lines

There's no lines file in the workspace as the stage is not run yet. It'll be created and tracked whenever dvc repro is run.

Example: Overwrite an existing stage

The following stage runs a Python script that trains an ML model on the training dataset (20180226 is a seed value):

$ dvc stage add -n train \
                -d train_model.py -d matrix-train.p -o model.p \
                python train_model.py 20180226 model.p

To update a stage that is already defined, the -f (--force) option is needed. Let's update the seed for the train stage:

$ dvc stage add -n train --force \
                -d train_model.p -d matrix-train.p -o model.p \
                python train_model.py 18494003 model.p

Example: Separate stages in a subdirectory

Let's move to a subdirectory and create a stage there. This generates a separate dvc.yaml file in that location. The stage command itself counts the lines in test.txt and writes the number to lines.

$ cd more_stages/
$ dvc stage add -n process_data \
                -d data.in \
                -o result.out \
                ./my_script.sh data.in result.out
$ tree ..
├── dvc.yaml
├── dvc.lock
├── file1
├── ...
└── more_stages/
    ├── data.in
    └── dvc.yaml

Example: Chaining stages

DVC pipelines are constructed by connecting the outputs of a stage to the dependencies of the following one(s).

Let's create a stage that extracts an XML file from an archive to the data/ folder:

$ dvc stage add -n extract \
                -d Posts.xml.zip \
                -o data/Posts.xml \
                unzip Posts.xml.zip -d data/

Note that the last -d applies to the stage's command (unzip), not to dvc stage add.

Also, let's add another stage that executes an R script that parses the XML file:

$ dvc stage add -n parse \
                -d parsingxml.R -d data/Posts.xml \
                -o data/Posts.csv \
                Rscript parsingxml.R data/Posts.xml data/Posts.csv

These stages are not run yet, so there are no outputs. But we can still see how they are connected into a pipeline (given their outputs and dependencies) with dvc dag:

$ dvc dag
| extract |
|  parse  |

We can use dvc repro to execute this pipeline to get the outputs.

Example: Using parameter dependencies

To use specific values inside a parameters file as dependencies, create a simple YAML file named params.yaml (default params file name, see dvc params to learn more):

seed: 20180226

  lr: 0.0041
  epochs: 75
  layers: 9

  threshold: 0.98
  bow_size: 15000

Define a stage with both regular dependencies as well as parameter dependencies:

$ dvc stage add -n train \
                -d train_model.py -d matrix-train.p  -o model.p \
                -p seed,train.lr,train.epochs
                python train_model.py 20200105 model.p

train_model.py can use the dvc.api.params_show() to parse the parameters:

import dvc.api

params = dvc.api.params_show()

seed = params['seed']
lr = params['train']['lr']
epochs = params['train']['epochs']

We use ruamel.yaml which supports YAML 1.2 (unlike the more popular PyYAML).

You can also use templating to parse parameters directly from params.yaml into the stage.

DVC will keep an eye on these param values (same as with the regular dependency files) and know that the stage should be reproduced if/when they change. See dvc params for more details.