Edit on GitHub

GitHub integration

Setting up the Github App

  1. Go to Organization settings -> Developer settings -> Github Apps -> New Github App

    Fill out the details as follows, replacing localhost:8080 with your DVC Studio domain and port if applicable:

    studio selfhosted github 1

    studio selfhosted github 2

    studio selfhosted github 3

    studio selfhosted github 4

  2. Under permissions, set the following:

    Repository permissions:

    • Contents: Read / Write
    • Issues: Read / Write
    • Metadata: Read
    • Pull Requests: Read / Write
    • Webhooks: Read / Write

    User permissions:

    • Email addresses: Read
  3. Click Create Github App

  4. Copy the App ID and Client ID

    Click Generate a new client secret, copy the output

    studio selfhosted github 5

  5. Scroll down to Private keys, click Generate a private key, copy the output

Configuring DVC Studio with the GitHub App

Merge the values.yaml file with the following contents, replacing the strings marked with <> with the values the steps above:

    # Optional
    # This is useful in cases where DVC Studio is on an internal
    # network, but the webhook endpoint is on an external network.
    # Default: `global.host` value.
    #webhookHost: ""

      enabled: true

      # Set this if you're using the selfhosted version
      url: <GitHub Enterprise URL>
      # Set this if you're using the selfhosted version
      apiUrl: <GitHub Enterprise API URL>

      appName: <GitHub OAuth App Name>
      appId: <GitHub OAuth App ID>
      clientId: <GitHub OAuth App Client ID>
      clientSecret: <GitHub OAuth App Client Secret>
      privateKey: <GitHub OAuth App Private Key>

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Edit on GitHub

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