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Share a Project

You can share a project within a team. You can also make a project public to share it on the web.

Share a project within a team

Each team that you create in DVC Studio will have its own projects dashboard. All the projects that you create in the team's dashboard will be accessible to all members (collaborators) of the team.

To add more than 2 collaborators in your team, upgrade to the Enterprise plan.

Make a project public

To share a project on the web (i.e., to make the project public), click on the button labeled Private next to the name of the project. In the menu that pops up, turn on Share to Web.

This will not change the settings of your connected Git repository; if the Git repository is private, it will continue to remain private.

A shared (public) project can be made private by turning off Share to web.

This will not change the settings of your connected Git repository; if the Git repository is public, it will continue to remain public.

Projects that are shared on the web can be opened by anyone, including people who are not logged in to DVC Studio. These anonymous users have the Visitor role. Their access is limited to opening the project's experiment table, applying filters, and showing/hiding columns for themselves without saving any changes permanently. Refer to the Roles section for details on the features available for different roles.


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