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Tracks an existing directory or file with DVC.

def log_artifact(
    path: Union[str, Path],
    type: Optional[str] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    desc: Optional[str] = None,
    labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    copy: Optional[bool] = False,
    cache: Optional[bool] = True,


from pathlib import Path
from dvclive import Live

# Create example file

with Live() as live:
      desc="Fine-tuned Resnet50",
      labels=["resnet", "imagenet"],


Log path, saving its contents to DVC storage. Also annotate with any included metadata fields (for example, to be consumed in the model registry or automation scenarios).

If cache=True (which is the default), uses dvc add to track path with DVC, saving it to the DVC cache and generating a {path}.dvc file that acts as a pointer to the cached data.

If you include any of the optional metadata fields (type, name, desc, labels, meta), it will add an artifact and all the metadata passed as arguments to the corresponding dvc.yaml (unless dvcyaml=None). Passing type="model" will include it in the model registry.


  • path - an existing directory or file.

  • type - an optional type of the artifact. Common types are model or dataset.

  • name - an optional custom name of an artifact. If not provided the path stem (last part of the path without the file extension) will be used as the artifact name.

  • desc - an optional description of an artifact.

  • labels - optional labels describing the artifact.

  • meta - optional metainformation in key: value format.

  • copy - copy a directory or file at path into the dvclive/artifacts location (default) before tracking it. The new path is used instead of the original one to track the artifact. Useful if you don't want to track the original path in your repo (for example, it is outside the repo or in a Git-ignored directory).

  • cache - cache the files with DVC to track them outside of Git. Defaults to True, but set to False if you want to annotate metadata about the artifact without storing a copy in the DVC cache.

    If running a DVC pipeline, cache will be ignored, and you should instead cache artifacts as pipeline outputs.


  • dvclive.error.InvalidDataTypeError - thrown if the provided path does not have a supported type.

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