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Aliyun OSS

First you need to set up OSS storage on Aliyun Cloud. Then, use an S3 style URL for OSS storage, and configure the endpoint:

$ dvc remote add -d myremote oss://mybucket/path
$ dvc remote modify myremote oss_endpoint endpoint

To set key id, key secret and endpoint (or any other OSS parameter), use dvc remote modify as shown below. Use the --local option to avoid committing your secrets to Git:

$ dvc remote modify --local myremote oss_key_id 'mykey'
$ dvc remote modify --local myremote oss_key_secret 'mysecret'

Testing your OSS storage using docker

Start a container running an OSS emulator, and set up the environment variables, for example:

$ git clone https://github.com/nanaya-tachibana/oss-emulator.git
$ docker image build -t oss:1.0 oss-emulator
$ docker run --detach -p 8880:8880 --name oss-emulator oss:1.0
$ export OSS_BUCKET='mybucket'
$ export OSS_ENDPOINT='endpoint'
$ export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='mykey'
$ export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET='mysecret'

Uses default key id and key secret when they are not given, which gives read access to public read bucket and public bucket.

Configuration Parameters

If any values given to the parameters below contain sensitive user info, add them with the --local option, so they're written to a Git-ignored config file.

  • url - remote location, in the oss://<bucket>/<object> format:

    $ dvc remote modify myremote url oss://mybucket/path
  • oss_endpoint - OSS endpoint values for accessing the remote container.

    $ dvc remote modify myremote oss_endpoint endpoint
  • oss_key_id - OSS key ID to access the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote oss_key_id 'mykey'
  • oss_key_secret - OSS secret key for authorizing access into the remote.

    $ dvc remote modify --local myremote oss_key_secret 'mysecret'

Environment variables

OSS remotes can also be configured via environment variables. These are tried if none of the params above are set. The available ones are shown below:

$ export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='mykey'
$ export OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET='mysecret'
$ export OSS_ENDPOINT='endpoint'

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