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exp save

Capture the current state of the workspace as a DVC experiment.

See also dvc exp run, which includes this operation.


usage: dvc exp save [-h] [-q | -v] [-R] [-f]
                   [--json] [-n <name>]
                   [-I path] [-m <message>]
                   [targets [targets ...]]

positional arguments:
  targets        Limit DVC caching to these stages or .dvc files.
                 Using -R, directories to search for stages or .dvc
                 files can also be given.


Saves a snapshot of your project as an experiment, without polluting your Git repository with unnecessary commits, branches, directories, etc.

This lets you start tracking, comparing, plotting, and sharing experiments quickly after making any project changes (e.g. retrain an ML model).

Only files tracked by either Git or DVC are saved to the experiment unless you use --include-untracked (-I) on untracked files explicitly (see an example below).

Review your experiments with dvc exp show. Successful ones can be made persistent by restoring them via dvc exp branch or dvc exp apply and committing them to the Git repo. Unnecessary ones can be cleared with dvc exp remove.


  • -n <name>, --name <name> - specify a unique name for this experiment. A default one will be generated otherwise, such as urban-sign.

    The name of the experiment is exposed in env var DVC_EXP_NAME.

  • -I <path>, --include-untracked <path> - specify an untracked file or directory to be included in the experiment. This option can be used multiple times.

  • -m <message>, --message <message> - custom message to use when saving the experiment. If not provided, dvc: commit experiment {hash} will be used.

  • -R, --recursive - determines the files to cache by searching each target directory and its subdirectories for stages (in dvc.yaml) or .dvc files to inspect. If there are no directories among the targets, this option has no effect.

  • -f, --force - rewrite the experiment if it already exists.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exits.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if all stages are up to date or if all stages are successfully executed, otherwise exit with 1. The command defined in the stage is free to write output regardless of this flag.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


This example is based on our Get Started, where you can find the actual source code.

Let's say we have modified our repo by adding new data (data/new.xml), new code (src/extratrees.py), as well as modifying the training script (src/train.py). After running dvc add data/new.xml, we have the following status in the repo:

$ git status
On branch main

Changes not staged for commit:
	modified:   data/.gitignore
	modified:   src/train.py
Untracked files:

We can inspect results with dvc metrics show (or other means) after running the experiment (in this case we can do so with dvc repro since the example project uses a DVC pipeline). We are not quite ready for a Git commit, but we want to save the results in the repo nonetheless:

dvc exp save --name extra-trees \
             -I data/new.xml.dvc -I src/extra_trees.py

We use -I to include new (untracked) files in the experiment.

We can now get rid of all the changes in the workspace and remove untracked files:

$ git reset --hard
$ rm data/new.xml data/new.xml.dvc src/extratrees.py

We see the experiment we just saved by using dvc exp show

 Experiment                  Created        avg_prec   roc_auc   prepare.split   prepare.seed   featurize.max_features   featurize.ngrams   train.seed   train.n_est   train.min_split   data/data.xml   data/features   data/prepared   model.pkl   src/evaluate.py   src/featurization.py   src/prepare.py   src/train.py
 workspace                   -                 0.925   0.94602   0.2             20170428       200                      2                  20170428     50            0.01              22a1a29         f35d4cc         153aad0         fb021d7     759095a           e0265fc                f09ea0c          c3961d7
 main                        Nov 02, 2022      0.925   0.94602   0.2             20170428       200                      2                  20170428     50            0.01              22a1a29         f35d4cc         153aad0         fb021d7     759095a           e0265fc                f09ea0c          c3961d7
 โ””โ”€โ”€ d0f234c [extra-trees]   12:11 PM        0.92707   0.94612   0.2             20170428       200                      2                  20170428     50            0.01              ced660e         f35d4cc         153aad0         27473f2     759095a           e0265fc                f09ea0c          6537232

The experiment has higher avg_prec/roc_auc, so we want to restore it, we can use dvc exp apply:

$ dvc exp apply extra-trees
Changes for experiment 'extra-trees' have been applied to your current workspace.
$ git status
On branch main

Changes not staged for commit:
	modified:   data/...
	modified:   dvc.lock
	modified:   evaluation/...
	modified:   src/train.py

Untracked files:

All changes, including untracked files, have been restored to the workspace.

See our Get Started guide, for more examples on how to use experiments.

Example: Specify targets to save

Let's say a repository looks like this:

$ tree
โ”œโ”€โ”€ dir_a
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ dvc.yaml
โ””โ”€โ”€ dir_b
    โ””โ”€โ”€ dvc.yaml

dvc repro dir_a/dvc.yaml will reproduce stages in dir_a/dvc.yaml. If stages in dir_b/dvc.yaml have not been run, dvc exp save will fail because the outputs for those stages do not exist. Running dvc exp save dir_a/dvc.yaml will ignore stages in dir_b/dvc.yaml and only cache changes to stages in dir_a/dvc.yaml.

Changes to Git-tracked files in dir_b (including dir_b/dvc.yaml itself) will be saved as part of the experiment since the entire repository is committed to Git.


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